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Stink Bugs: Destruction comes quietly in the night...

The Common Stink Bug has plagued farmers, gardeners and homeowners for millenia, probably.. but, the indigenous Stink Bugs don't do the kind of damage that their imported Asian cousins do... Readers- I would like to introduce you to the evil, voracious, malodorous, baneful, destructive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug...

The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is native to east Asia. (Marmorated: veined or streaked like marble.) Marmorated, here, refers to the brown and white mottling of the shield-shaped insect. These Stink Bugs are about three-quarters of an inch long, as adults. Their life cycle is actually quite long at about 538 days from Egg to Adulthood.

BSMB infographic

Often gathering at night in Forests, Gardens or in Buildings- they are sometimes confronted by humans.

(and, on a side note: Stinkbugs are aptly named- they give off an offensive odor when crushed or threatened.)

As for Organic Pest Control- so far, the old-fashioned "handpicking and drowning in soapy water" method still reigns supreme! Time consuming, tedious- perhaps, though change your perspective slightly, and, see that more time spent amongst your crops, lands and buildings is better all the way around!

Chemical Pest Control for these soddin' not recommended, based solely on our concern for your Health & the Health of your Gardens, and surrounding environments. There are a few chemical remedies available (resources listed at the end of the article), should you care to take that route for inside the home, basement, garage- but, definitely NOT recommended for treating your Food or the area your Food Grows in...savvy?!

The menacing flying insects insert their needle-like mouth tubes into the flesh of juicy fruit like Peaches, Apples, and Tomatoes- then suck out the sweet liquids while leaving traces of their digestive fluids that cause brown rotting. They have devastated Orchards, Crops and Gardens in the Atlantic states, and, are moving West- wreaking havoc wherever they land.

These voracious pests are solely responsible for the loss of all our prized Beefsteak, Better Boy and Roma Tomato plants last Summer. We had NO idea of the internal Rot that was happening right in front of us- til it was too late.. How heartbreaking it is to have to compost each and every Tomato you've loved since blossoming, on Plants you've nurtured from Seed...all the while daydreaming of enjoying the succulent, sweet fruits right off the vine. <deep sigh> It's a bummer, man.. a real bummer.

Be on the constant lookout for Stink Bugs- your Food Crops depend on your vigilance and quick action!

For more Information on the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug- check out:

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