Digital Detox

Super tired of being glued to your phone? Are you pointlessly scrolling through stuff?
...wasting time one way or another...
The problem isn't the phone... -it's You.
Lots and lots of people are addicted to their phones
-the most simple solution is to get rid of it.
Well, I tried that...
'No phone' is an obstacle in todays world, to say the least-
and, through "trial-and-error" I have concluded it is extremely
cumbersome to try to fully participate in everyday life without one. Smartphones are actually useful- you just have to learn to self regulate. (simply exercising some self-control will do wonders for all areas of your life) It will take hard work to break a bad habit...But, I promise you- it's an effort worth making. A smartphone is an incredible tool, but, it comes with responsibility. Earn it, it is worth it.
You will find that it is much easier to be purposeful and use your phone, instead of letting it use you.
The internet is still a distraction, yes, but why would you want a pile of single-use devices (GPS, iPod, etc.) when you have something that does it all...that you are capable of developing a healthier relationship with?
If you don't want to be distracted by garbage apps, maybe you should stop letting yourself be distracted by garbage apps. Go through and Uninstall the things you don't need, and, turn OFF notifications!!!
The problem isn't technology. It's us...
We bury our faces in our phones, effectively shutting out the world around us...
Missing out on 'all the things', while staring at this little thing. We have forgotten our manners. People- we have forgotten how to function in regular, mundane Life! (and, worst of all- we are simultaneously neglecting and training our children to be Tech Addicts, too...) Here's a few Guidelines to Help:
Do NOT sleep with it.
Do NOT take it out when you're talking to people, or, at the dinner table.
Do NOT ignore your children/family just to catch all the new BS online.
Do NOT use OR mess with your phone while driving! (not even at red lights...)
uninstall the games, disable apps and services you don't need.
Take off the social media- including FB, reddit, IG, etc. (make time on your home computer)
Fix the home screen so the apps you want to use less are hidden away or gone.
If the colors draw you in- then, make the display Monochrome (grayscale)..
If an app has 'endless scroll'- then, get rid of it.
I know this must seem like a 'Soapbox' rant- but, look around you...wherever you are. Look around, and, see for yourself. Everywhere you look, all the kinds of people you see- most of them have a phone in their hand or pocket.
Do yourself, and, the world a favor- Put the Phone Down!