The Ol' Barn Rehab Project has begun..

Autumn is here now- cool, crisp mornings inspire vigorous work around the lil' Farm. The cold weather Project List is extensive...
The rehabilitation of the Old Barn is a priority, as we plan to house our animals in there come Spring. This building was erected sometime in the very early 1900s- and, it looks it, too. Though, in the Barns defense- it IS built with sturdy Oak! It was built to stand the test of time.
We surely have a tremendous task ahead of us! This Old Barn will take some serious Interior and Exterior work to get it up to the task of actually being "a Barn". Not to mention the "Barnyard" needs to be defined and fenced in, the interior needs a good 'backhoe-ing' and possibly a flamethrower for the HUGE resident spiders... Oh yeah- and, we had to conquer a rather large, thriving subterranean colony of Yellow Jackets!
Once the nest was discovered, we took an ol' school approach- Daryl waited until dusk to carbaryl powder the hell outta that nest! He was able to slip in, thoroughly 'bomb' the nest, and, slip out without a single sting!! The powder did it's job overnight- the next day, he pulled the "carcass nest" from the ground, and, brought it out into the field for inspection. As you can see below- the nest was 5 layers thick! (like a layer cake from hell...) Thankfully- that is now out of the way. Moving on- let's step over the hole in the floor, and, we will take a look inside..
The interior of the Barn looks...well, pretty creepy at the moment. Lots of junk- everywhere... Leftover materials from Projects past, caches of tiles waiting to be laid since 1983, paneling from the house renovation in 1986, the longest palette I have personally ever seen...Below are some snapshots of the interior spaces.
Pictured from left to right- the "tractor bay", the Hallway, the inner Roof, the interior of stall 2 (future Chicken Coop), also stall 2, stall 1 (future Rabbit Hutch)
There are actually 4 stalls in the Barn, but the center 2 will be combined for the Coop. the 3rd stall is yet to be assigned- though, I am thinking to frame it out proper and making a habitable room. Lots of work (and, burning) ahead! <rolls up sleeves, puts on work gloves> Let's get to it!